Credit card and debt consolidation is a two-edged sword. Sometimes you have a lot to benefit from it, and other times you have a lot to lose. How do you approach the issue? The most obvious step is putting away your credit cards. Do your best to pay for all purchases in cash. Cash is still king, sometimes, and especially when it comes to people who are deep in debt. It is a good idea to transfer all credit card balances to a card with low interest. One option is to apply for a zero percent interest credit card, moving your balances to it. This can be done periodically. This can be an issue, but you benefit by saving a lot of money and time to pay back your debts. The next thing you should do is make your payments as high as possible. If you are making the minimum payment alone, you are really only paying off interest, not the actual bulk of the debt. At the same time, interest is usually more than the principal amount, but this depends on the way your payment scheme has been developed. Going for a zero rate card may be a good idea, but remember that most of these rates are only initial ones.
After the initial interest-free period is over, your interest rate goes up. At this time, the most logical thing to do is cancel the card and go for another one with a zero rate introductory period. At the same time, if you keep dropping the cards like hot potatoes after these periods expire, people may start getting suspicious of you and turning you down.
It is important to avoid using credit cards with high interest. Just transfer the balance and throw them out. Do not be tempted to keep them just in case of a cash emergency. Just toss them, period.
You can also apply for home equity line of credit for the purpose of debt consolidation. If you find it difficult too manage on your own, look into debt consolidation companies, which can offer valuable advice.
With a HELOC or home equity credit line, you will be able to obtain a low interest loan, paying off credit card balances. On one hand, you are adding another bill to the relentless load. The good news is that you will save a lot in interest, as you will no longer make multiple payments, making it possible to pay back the credit line and eliminate your debt.
It is important to note that credit card debt can help improve or hurt your credit report and score. It is good to have available credit, showing to reporting agencies that you are a responsible borrower. Credit card debt can be approached in two ways - you can either maintain some credit available or pay your debts in full. With regard to debt consolidation, zero percent credit cards and HELOCs are two possibilities. You can also shop around for a low interest personal loan, using the money to eliminate your credit card debt. You will not find it difficult to get approved if you have a good credit score.
Need to find consolidation loans that match your needs? Check out the Financing Directory for more information.